Sunday, February 17, 2013


Signs communicate with different ways.  They present themselves in unexpected and expected ways.  Riding my bike around Salida this afternoon, I found the range of signage intent to be quite astonishing.

Some signs "advertise" a product or products...a brand...a way of life...all in one image.  Some are creative and some are "just the facts, ma'm, just the facts." 

Some provide direction...or attempt negotiate the chaos that otherwise would envelop our smalls towns and byways.  Helpful is the path to, if not righteousness, at least to civil participation in common use resources, such as stores, roads, parking.     


Other signs identify significant public institutions or resources....

and sometimes signs serve a more subtle announce changes in social mores or to plead for inclusion of diversity.  .

Sometimes they invite us to take a break...

Which, if you've spent too much time today already on the  web, might be something you should do.  Cheers.