Monday, August 3, 2009


I'm not sure that I mentioned before that it does rain in Denmark. But rain does not interrupt the flow of the day. In Arhus when it rains, the clothing stores on the main streets do not bring the outside racks in except for a truly heavy downpour. After all, prospective buyers need to see how the clothes will look when they are wet. And, perhaps like the Pacific northwest in the winter, one lives with the expectation of rain...we've learned to carry umbrellas and raincoats when we set out on the brightest and sunniest of mornings. Rain may dampen spirits, especially in summer when the wheat needs to be brought in (more on that later), but it does not get in the way of outdoor activities nor the laughter of children playing in it (in their rain gear of course). Or from standing under umbrellas or on the very front of the small ferry as we cross from one island to another.