Saturday, August 15, 2009

On the farm

We arrived at Erik's farm on Falster during harvest time. Erik and Charlotte are cousins; Falster is one of the larger Danish islands in the south, across a stretch of the Baltic Sea from Germany. Harvest time is determined on a daily basis by the absence or presence of rain. And the sun was out and the ripe grain was dry.After all, Denmark is not just landscape and castles and trains that run on time and social programs. Denmark is about work. So Erik and Mikael, one of his workers, were preparing the combine to harvest the wheat.

But still there was time for talk and for art, visiting churches and the new art museum, Fuglsang (Birdsong), that Erik had helped to build on a nearby island. So we drove pasts fields of grain and berries and hops to see the museum. A fine structure. But the museum windows open out onto those same fields of wheat and grains which have been the basis of the island's prosperity over the centuries. Providing the wealth for the creation of its churches, its people, and its museums.