Friday, July 19, 2013


Samana is a peninsula on the north coast of the Dominican Republic. The United States was going to buy it for its deep bay the 19th century. Congress thought the price was too high. Instead they bought Guantanamo.

A new highway makes it accessible from the capital, Santo Domingo. We stay at an apartment hotel along one of the beaches: a large pool with the beach just across a narrow roadway.

Vibrant green, so unlike our dry Colorado mountains.

And long quiet beaches...

Put a towel down to do morning exercises...most people sleep late...

French, German, Italian, some Russians come...mostly in the winter. In these months, Dominicans down from New York, New Jersey, getting together with their families still on the us, hanging out at the pool, eating and drinking at the small shack that services the hotel on the beach....

Last night, an astonishing if holes had been punched into the sky to show through to the other side of the universe.

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