Saturday, October 20, 2012



We saw a lot of good, even great, sculpture on this trip. Among other sites the Meijers Botanic Gardens. In Grand Rapids. AT the same time as the ArtPrize, a major arts festival...some good, some not-so-good...but some wondrous pieces.

Like the above horse. Modeled on some preliminary sketches by da Vinci but never executed because of the immense amount of technical requirements for the creation of such a huge figure. Now it sits in a kind of amphitheater with sloping lawns that school children can roll down when they have their lunch break.

The gardens provide framing, so different what you see between four walls in a museum...even five walls. Trees, grasses...not manicured but left to grow and fend for themselves...cover the approaches to these structures...suddenly they, or parts of them, are There.

Meanwhile down on the Grand Rapids, one of the finalists. "Horses." made of tree trunks, branches, twigs...probably on a steel outline...barrel down the Grand River...fleeing a battle? Running free? Just splashing around?

But my very favorite, "Albert Einstein between theorems," on a street corner downtown.

I have a whole lot more respect for Grand Rapids than I did when I went to college down the way in Holland, MI

Location:Grand Rapids, Michigan