Friday, March 2, 2012

Freya and Family

This February has been about family as much as snow.  Family and friends come to share time skiing, going to the hot springs (Mt. Princeton is particularly popular this year), walking through town, and, well, just hanging out at this townhouse on the upper Arkansas River.

More specifically the hanging out during Ingrid and Geoff's visit was hanging out with Freya, now six months.  She turns up in all the photos of people during the time she was here.  The rest of us simply became adjuncts...attending to her moves, her interests, her interactions and her head cold.

She is almost crawling...doesn't quite have the muscle development to get onto her knees.  So she pushes herself with her legs or arms, rolls over, makes swimming motions, grabs for toys, shoes, people.  Clearly a gifted athlete...ready for skis in a few more years.  She can keep herself amused for long stretches without intervention from adults. 
But with a four or five adults to one baby ratio, there is lots of intervention.  "Here let me pick you up,"  "Maybe she wants something to eat." "Let me wipe your nose." "Here, Freya, grab this toy."  "Here, Freya, let's go outside and listen to the sound of the river." "Let's go for a walk."  "Let's wake up Mormor."

 So hanging out with Freya (and giving her parents a chance to snowboard or go to the hot springs) was a gift this month.  Seeing her develop day-by-day, each day a little more agile, each day moving a bit further off the carpet, each day playing with those round plastic toys...or someone's shoes even better...more precisely....this came to represent much of our time.  Freya is progressing so much faster than I am on the moguls at Monarch...But, then, that is why we hang out...seeing where one another is at and getting to know who we are.  Just being.