Saturday, November 20, 2010


Providence was founded by Roger Williams as a refuge from the intolerant Puritans of Massachusetts. So there is the First Baptist Church founded by him in 1638…right next to the Rhode Island School of Design and Brown University…the present church having been built the year before the Revolutionary War began. Sculptures in the university gardens; students studying sort of. Lots of good energy in the damp morning air.

Student energy. Providence is home to Brown University...a sunny day, studying on the garden wall, studying the statue's contours and feeling the sense of late fall.

One of my favorite places around Brown is the Athenaeum, one of the first lending libraries in the colonies, founded in 1753. Its rooms are lined with books, ahhh books…such portals to other worlds, with desks and chairs scattered about for study and reading or just looking at pictures. Or just sitting down and thinking about all the books yet to be read.