Sunday, February 28, 2010

Barneløpet 2010

The Sons of Norway lodges in Colorado sponsored the annual Barneløpet or "children's race" at Winter Park. Something about the combination of snow, outdoor sport, young people, competition (for some), medals (for all), and the mountain landscape makes me joyful. The races are organized by 1K, 2.4K, and 5K and participants range the gamut from Nordic teams from Boulder to first time skiers.

The groomed trails at Snow Mountain Ranch and the lodge buildings make for an ideal setting. In the past few years, I helped to organize an afternoon orienteering course, but this year an orienteering club set up a circuit with electronic interfaces and ability to upload results to the web. Whew. Enough of paper and pencil.

As the Olympics bring home, good Nordic skiing requires great athleticism. During the past few years, a growing number of free groomed trails, like those in Leadville, have opened up for the public. Maybe next year I'll get me a pair of those thin skis and long poles and really cool outfits.

But then maybe I should leave that for the next generations, some of whom can't yet quite make it around the 1K course.