Saturday, January 2, 2010


Christmas is the one time of year when everyone gets into art installations. The tree, decorations, music...kind of like going to a museum to see an ephemeral collection of objects. So we move around furniture, string lights outside, and create an atmosphere for reminding ourselves of our traditions and for enjoying a change in domestic ambiance. And part of that ambiance is directed toward getting together with friends and family, having a "hyggelig" evening (as they say in Norway and Denmark), being warm, cozy, and glad to be together. We are, after all, a social species.

And so there is the need for and drink and music. As in past years, we have a band. This year, The Fort Collins Blue Grass Band, and last year, the Piggies. About 80 people come by during the evening...the older boys create a game room in the study where they can hook up to the internet...the younger kids stay downstairs for crafts and movies. Age groups creating their own sense of fun. We dedicate this and every annual party to our friend, Marita Vander Have, who died a year ago from cancer. We began this annual party with her about 25 years ago in Maryland and we have carried it west with us like a well worn leather coat.

But there are also parties that change the pace. Patrick and I went down to the Acid Candy Cane event at the F/stop, a coffee house that brings life and good drink to the Center for Fine Art Photography in downtown Fort Collins. Music by Dirty Monkey. Live Art. Opening reception. Now this does change the pace...kind of picks things up a bit. Enough at least to then move onto the party at Francisco's where the dancing is still going on. Funny, though, nobody wants to make breakfast for us at 2:00 am though we did call several friends to see if they were up. And, get this, they are still our friends.

And then the more formal dinners...Christmas Day around the dining room table, the three hour meals...interrupted perhaps for a walk around the block if it's not snowing too hard...and having the opportunity to just share the simple act of being alive, all at the same time, enjoying one another's laughter, talk, observations. Sometimes just being here is enough.

Happy New Year. Feliz Año Nuevo. Glad Nytt År.