Monday, December 1, 2008

Bolton Hill

We came back up to Baltimore on Tuesday to have dinner with Elwin Guild, a friend whom we had not seen for some 15 years. Elwin, Charlotte and I worked together and, more important, helped one another get jobs over the course of several years. I got Elwin a job at the Peace Corps where he then went on to be a country director and now does consulting around the world, forming small trade associations, mainly in eastern Europe. Next week, Kosovo. And Elwin got me a job at USDA when I left the Peace Corps, a move that allowed us eventually to relocate to Colorado. And Charlotte had originally hired Elwin when she worked at USDA.

So the connections are old and significant. And now the connections are rewired. Elwin lives in the Bolton Hill neighborhood of intact neighborhood of town houses and churches built in the 1880s. Elwin and Joan's house is of that era, but he has added decks, gardens, and a rich and eclectic set of art works, rugs, furniture for the light-filled, high ceilinged rooms. We'll be back.