Sunday, November 9, 2008

Election Night

Well were we happy? Yes, along with several hundred Obama and Democratic Party supporters who jammed into the ballroom (well, I'm not sure they actually hold any balls there)of the Fort Collins Marriott to yell, scream, cry, shout, and jump for joy at the results of the election.

God, the lifting of this burden, the feeling that the country had been hijacked by the radical right wing, that the people have been turned over as prey to the corporations, that the values of the country have been turned upside down...over, over, over. At least for now. Now it's just back to eternal vigilance.

Charlotte spent most of the past year working on one campaign or another. A favorite? Betsy Markey finally overthrew Marilyn (constitutional amendment against single-sex marriage) Musgrave. After six long years. Still waiting to hear a concession call from Marilyn...sore loser? It's been amazing to watch the transformation of Colorado over the past twelve years...moving beyond the strangle hold of the right wing of the Republican party to something more moderate, something reasonable. Something that reflects the values of the country.