Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Break Road Trip

Ted Wolff flew into town for part of his spring break. We had planned a ski and hot spring road trip for some while. My ski season had, unfortunately, ended the previous week due to dislocated shoulder (ouch…could I have something for the pain?). Luckily the accident occurred while I was doing a run at Winter Park rather than, let’s say, while cleaning out the garage.

Tom was still in town after his Twelve Cents shows in Fort Collins and Denver. So we spent the opening days of the Werge-Wolff reunion road trip at Winter Park. The snow was good. Deep powder on the back country runs. The new Panorama lift and the Eagle Wind lift have opened up whole new stretches of the Parseen bowl to be explored.
Tom’s face mask and helmet made an interesting counterpoint to Teddy’s more freestyle approach to the slopes.